NEW: Spanish Courses run by Learn Devon with Rosa Carriegas, experienced teacher of Spanish at all levels, in the in the Old School Community Centre:
Spanish: beginners 1 (Course LC9102) on Thursdays from 10.00 -12.00. Five-week beginners’ course from 19 September to 17 October 2019. For those who want to be able to communicate and exchange greetings and information at a basic level in everyday situations when visiting a Spanish speaking country. Cost: £60.
Spanish: beginners 1 (Course LC9103) on Thursdays from 10.00 -12.00. Five-week beginners’ course from 31 October to 28 November 2019. For those who want to be able to communicate and exchange greetings and information at a basic level in everyday situations when visiting a Spanish speaking country. Cost: £60.
Spanish: intermediate 1 Course LC9104) on Tuesdays from 18.30-20.30. Five-week beginners’ course from 17 September to 12 November 2019. For anyone who has already studied Spanish for at least 2 years or spent considerable time in a Spanish speaking country and who wants to consolidate and develop their skills further. Cost: £96.
Spanish: conversation 1 (Course LC9101) on Wednesdays from 09:30 -11:30. Eight-week course from 18 September to 13 Nov 2019.For anyone who has already studied Spanish for at least 4 years or spent considerable time in a Spanish speaking country and who wants to consolidate and develop their skills further. Cost: £96.
Spanish: advanced conversation 1 (Course LC9100) on Tuesdays from 09:45 -11:45. Eight-week course from 17 September to 12 Nov 2019. For anyone who has already studied Spanish for at least 5 years or spent considerable time in a Spanish speaking country and who wants to consolidate and develop their skills further. Cost: £96.
For further information or to book for any the above, see : Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0345 155 1014.