Old School Community Centre Corridor Gallery:

Exhibitions of a wide variety of artwork and crafts from the local community. See: www.theoldschool.org.uk/facilities/corridor-gallery/

February 2025:       Seed Swap. A lively and informative display to enhance the annual seed swap event at the Old School on 15 February (see above)

March 2025:            South Brent Parish Council: Discover more about the Parish Council’s work

April 2025:                Sustainable South Brent

May 2025:                The Wednesday Friends group treat us to an exhibition of their artwork

June 2025:                South Brent Archive mount their popular annual display

July 2025:                  SBADS celebrate their 20th anniversary in 2025 and the July display is part of their special celebrations

Exhibitors are most welcome! If you would like to show work in the Corridor Gallery, - please get in touch with Sue Ifould - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..